

Public Function modify_eco_dtl(ByVal eco_dtl_objid As Long, _

                         ByVal detail_type As String, _

                         ByVal required As Long, _

                         ByVal status As String, _

                         ByVal labor_type As String, _

                         ByVal elapsed_time As Long, _

                         ByVal location As String, _

                         ByVal description As String, _

                         ByVal eco_hdr_code As String, _

                         ByVal mod_level_objid As Long) As Integer





This API modifies an existing ECO detail object.




Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

eco_dtl_objid                       Yes                         The objid of the ECO item object to be modified.

detail_type                            No                           This is the type of detail, "Labor", "Material", or "" to ignore.

Required?                                 No                           This indicates if the detail is required; 0 for no, 1 for yes, or -1 to ignore.

status                                     No                           Use to change the status of the ECO Detail

labor_type                             No                           Use to change the labor type for a "Labor" detail.

elapsed_time                         No                           This will replace existing time (use -1 to ignore) if detail_type is "Labor".

location                                  No                           Any non-zero length string will replace location for "Material" details.

description                            No                           Any non-zero length string will replace description.

eco_hdr_code                      No                           Use to reassign detail to another ECO header, or use "" to ignore.

mod_level_objid                  No                           The part in "Material" details can be changed, or use 0 to ignore.




Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                              No errors

-1                                             Invalid Detail Type Specified

-2                                             Invalid Value for Detail Required Field

-3                                             Specified ECO Status is not in database

-4                                             Specified Labor Type is not in database

-5                                             Specified ECO Detail is not in database

-6                                             Specified ECO Header is not in database

-7                                             Specified Mod Level  is not in database









·         Modify a "Labor" ECO detail to change the status to expired.





var ret_int = fcdr.modify_eco_dtl(268435465,"",-1,"Expired","",-1, "",    

                                  "","", 0);



Visual Basic:

Dim ret_int As Integer

ret_int = fcdr. modify_eco_dtl(268435465,"",-1,"Expired","",-1, "",    

                                  "","", 0)